
Our resources contain common aspects that Webolytics and information about using the platform

Setting up a new Site Section
Site Builder

Setting up a new Site Section

Webolytics Site Sections allows for you to create pages for a front end, that are grouped together by the section that they have been made in

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Site Schemas
Site Builder

Site Schemas

The Site Schemas section off for SEO information, which needs to be present across all pages on a site

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Site Tracking
Site Builder

Site Tracking

The Site Tracking Section allows for tracking snippets from other sources (such as google tag manager) to be called against the site.

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Layout Tags
Site Builder

Layout Tags

The Layout Tag allows for organisation of page content on any given page.

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Link Tags
Site Builder

Link Tags

The Link Tags are tags for page categorisation. An example of a Link Tag would be “Categories” in a blog

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Site Navigation
Site Builder

Site Navigation

The Navigation section enables you to create navigations for user journeys and accessibility

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Site Tags
Site Builder

Site Tags

Webolytics Tags allow for categorisation of information, which can be delivered to an end user in a structured and organised context. There are 3 types of Tags that can be used in

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Page Meta Tags
Site Builder

Page Meta Tags

The Page Meta Tag allows for placement of specific page content within the meta header of any page, or at the very foot of the page

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Media Assets
Site Builder

Media Assets

The Media assets is a central repository for all files and content within the site. Any content within the media assets library can be re-used across sections/pages/tags/schema as

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Assigning Vendors to a site
Site Builder

Assigning Vendors to a site

Webolytics Site builder allows you to assign multiple vendors to a site. Assigned vendors provides access to the site for any user who is assigned against the vendor.

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Setting up a new site
Site Builder

Setting up a new site

Webolytics Site builder allows you to create content, and serve it to any type of front end, be that a web page, App, or something else

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Setting up destinations
Site Builder

Setting up destinations

A Destination is another server location, which Webolytics gains access to in order to upload and remove files and folders

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Video Tutorials / Form Builder


This resource will show you how to make Webolytics Forms and how to use them

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Publish Status
Video Tutorials / Form Builder

Publish Status

This is where you will learn about the Publish status section on the Webolytics

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Publish a Vendor
Video Tutorials / Setup and Admin

Publish a Vendor

Learn how to update the Vendor section and changing and editing the Tax code, Bank details, email address, Phone number, address and Social Accounts in this section

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Affiliate's Campaign Management
Video Tutorials / Campaigns

Affiliate's Campaign Management

This resource will show you how use Webolytics Campaigns as an Affiliate

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